Master key systems are a vital security measure for property and business owners who have many people with various access requirements using locks and keys. Edmonton Lock & Safe makes it easy to set up a system specifically for your needs.
With many people accessing your property, including business owners, their staff, your maintenance crews, external trades, and more, securing who can access specific areas of your business is paramount to managing a safe and productive building. Edmonton Lock & Safe's journeyman locksmiths and project managers make master key designs simple.

Master Key Systems
Master Key Systems are a hierarchical framework for your building's keys that allow people with more trust and responsibility, such as managers, to have access to more areas of your buildings than support staff or other lower clearance personnel.
For Example:

In this master key system, the Managing Director has access to all rooms, however the Financial, Sales, and Warehouse leaders only have access to the rooms that make sense for their roles and needs.
1. Convenience
Having different keys for every door can be confusing and stressful for the people who need access to various areas of your building. A master key system allows you and other users to access all or some areas of the building with just one key.
Especially during times of urgency or even emergency, having one key that can access various doors can save time and reduce the stress that comes with rummaging through multiple keys on a large key ring.
2. Increased Security
Master key systems allow you to design a key distribution hierarchy according to your user's needs. This allows you to give them access only to the areas they require access to.
Different levels of access may be appropriate based on the user's roles within their businesses and your building. For instance, a C-Level manager needs greater access to all areas than a warehouse manager.
One key being entrusted to users that opens many locks means fewer keys are distributed, reducing the risk of many keys being in circulation becoming lost or getting stolen.
3. More Control
A master key system from Edmonton Lock & Safe makes key duplication very difficult, giving you more control over the keys and the keyholders. Restricted master key systems have patented designs that only a specific locksmith is legally allowed to duplicate. They require the locksmith to get permission and verification from authorized personnel.
Master key systems allow you to track the number of keys in circulation as well as the users that are entrusted with them. In case of intrusion or theft, you can easily audit the access levels your users have to uncover who had access to the area in question and take necessary action.
The Benefits of a Master Key System

Edmonton Lock & Safe's certified journeyman locksmiths and project managers are available to help you design your master key system.
We'll audit your space, consult with you on your access requirements, and build a system that's unique to you.
Our team makes it easy, so contact us today to get started.